Saturday 1 February 2020

Mystical Formulae - Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam - Ashwini Nakshatram

Vishnu Sahasranamam for Ashwini Nakshatram

The first four shlokas are allocated to Ashwini Nakshatram as detailed below.

Ashwini Nakshatram 1st Padam/Charan

Vishvam Vishnur Vashatkaaro BhootaBhavyaBhavatPrabhuh |
Bhootakrit Bhootabhrit Bhaavo Bhootatma Bhootabhavanah ||1||

Ashwini Nakshatram 2nd  Padam/Charan

Pootatma Paramatma cha MuktaanaamParamaaGatihi   |
Avyayah Purushas Saakshee Kshetragno Akshara Eva Cha      ||2||

Ashwini Nakshatram 3rd  Padam/Charan

Yogo YogavidaamNeta PradhaanaPurusheshvarah                |
NaarasimhaVapuh Shreemaan Keshavah Purushottamah ||3||

Ashwini Nakshatram 4th Padam/Charan

Sarvah Sharvash Shiva Sthaanur Bhootaadir Nidhiravyayah      |
Sambhavo Bhaavano Bhartaa Prabhavah Prabhureeshvarah ||4||

Shloka No 1.     Vishnu Sahasranamam

Vishvam Vishnur Vashatkaaro BhootaBhavyaBhavatPrabhuh |
Bhootakrit Bhootabhrit Bhaavo Bhootatma Bhootabhavanah ||1||

Names 1 to 9 appear in the first Shloka of the Vishnusahasranamam
Om Vishvam Namaha II
Om Vishnuh Namaha II
Om Vashatkaarah Namaha II
Om BhootaBhavyaBhavatPrabhuh Namaha II
Om Bhootakrit Namaha II
Om Bhootabhrit Namaha II
Om Bhaavah Namaha II
Om Bhootatma Namaha II
Om Bhootabhavanah Namaha II

The all pervading Divine is the Creator of the Universe controls the Universe and He is the master of the Past, Present and the Future. He is the Creator, Sustain-er and Destroyer of all beings.  He exists in full splendor and is the essence of all beings and nurtures all beings.

This Shloka enables one to master oneself. The whole life revolves around various situations where we are always trying to win over situations or others, trying to control the movement of others. This attitude leads to poor health in the long run. Personally observed that those who try to control the movement of others lose control of their own physical movement in the long run. Life's all about moving with the flow. And that's exactly what this shloka can enable one to do. Flow with the flow of life by mastering your own self.

Ashwini Nakshatram 1st Padam.

How to use this shloka?

Listen to the Vishnu Sahasranamam daily in the morning and the evening. It is available on you tube, and M S Subbalaskhmi’s pronounciation is excellent and melodious. Listening to the same regularly and following the scriptures while listening will soon enable you to chant yourself.
After listening to the whole VS, then chant the above mentioned shloka designed specially for your nakshatra 11 times minimum.
You can offer to the deity in your altar flowers and leaves that appease Lord Maha Vishnu, Lotus, White Flowers, Tulsi leaves etc.

Light incense sticks before beginning the chants. Light a ghee lamp also if possible.
Start noticing subtle changes within yourself, your surroundings. The slow, soft subtle changes evolve into major life transformations very gently.
You will discover more ease within yourself. More peace within. Less discomfort experienced. Increase in patience, perseverance, precision, peace, positivity and prosperity are all part of you. You are part of the entire universe, and you are the entire universe, the universe in entirety gets connected to every bit of you and vice versa. Your life purpose becomes visible, clarity in every area is natural.
Just try it, become the words that you chant.
How does it get any better and simpler than this?
Life is easy, Life is effortless, Life is Simple, Life is full of Joy, Life is Happy

lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino-bhavaṁtu ||
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनोभवंतु 
Advanced level of using the Shlokas
Going a step further to using the essence of timing for further benefits, do chant the SHLOKA designed for the Nakshatra of the day before chanting your own nakshatra. Chant this shloka 11 times minimum, this will enable you to merge with the energy of the day, and allow the vice versa.
There are 27 Nakshatras, and every Sunrise is emerging with energy of a
particular Nakshatra daily. So if you have a panchang, you can check – you may even do an online check of the days Nakshatra, and choose to read the Shloka designed for the particular Nakshatra of the day.
So, for example
If today’s nakshatra is Maham, and you belong to the Ashwini Nakshatra First Padam/Charan, then follow the following ritual :
First listen/chant the whole Vishnu Sahasranamam.
Then chant for your own Nakshatra – Ashwini.
Then chant all four shlokas of the Maham Nakshatra.

The best timing to chant the Shlokas.
The Vishnu Sahasranaamam is best chanted during the Brahma Muhurat. There is a magical silence, the sound of this silence has a vast, expansive effect on every individual.

When is the Brahma Mahurat?
Begins at 3.30 am and is a time when lung is functioning at its peak.

At what other time can the shlokas be chanted?
To bring in stability we see an auspicious time to make a start. Then once you master yourself, there is no binding of TIME & Space on you, You go beyond the clutches of time!! All time is good time!! All in good time!!

These can be chanted during the day. Avoid chanting during the nights. A good nights sleep is best for regulation of the breath!!

1.    Vishvam – The Universe
2.    Vishnu - All pervading. 
3.    Vashatkaarah – Controller of the Universe
4.    BhootaBhavyaBhavatPrabhu – He who has mastered the time(past, present, future)
5.    Bhootakrit – the creator and destroyer
6.    Bhootabhrit – Sustainer of the Universe
7.    Bhaavah – He who exists in full splendour
8.    Bhootatmaa- The essence of all beings
9.    Bhootabhavanah – Nurturer of beings

1.  Vishvam – The Universe

Rooting from the word *'Vish'*, which means to enter or penetrate,  *'Vishvam'* means the Universe. , or all creation in totality. There is nothing in and around us that is not part of the Universe. In the Vishnu Sahasranamam, the Divine is termed as VISHVAM, since he is the creator of all creation. 

Similarly, we are the creators of our own Universe, our family, our circle, etc. We create our own World.  This shloka helps evolve from the smaller world we have created to the huge unlimited creation of the Divine. Accessing our Divine consciousness, we are in tune with the Universe on the whole. Amazing feeling of expansion is what one feels when connected with this shloka.

2. Vishnu - All pervading. 

The root word again being *Vish*, Vishnu describes the Divine as all pervading. He is into all and He is all.

Everything that exists in the Universe is nothing but of the nature of the Lord, and without Him nothing exists. He pervades everything, unlimited by space, time, or substance.

There is nothing that is amiss – you will be part of everything that is.

3. Vashatkaarah – Controller of the Universe
Vashatkaarah is derived from the root word Vash which means to control. Vashaat is a sacred sound like ‘Aum’ or ‘Svaahaa’ and is used before many mantras.
Divine is the mantra embodiement in this mantra.
Combination of six Divine attibutes –
1. Strenghth
2. Knowledge
3. Valour
4. Wealth
5. Poise  &
6. Radiance.

4. BhootaBhavyaBhavatPrabhu – He who has mastered the time(past, present, future)
Bhoota means the past, Bhavya means the future and Bhavat means the present. Prabhu means master. Lord Vishnu is the master of all time.
He who chants this mantra is free from the physical laws that apply to all living things. He is beyond the laws and constraints of time. He existed before the past and before the future, he is without a beginning or end, he is infinite.

5. Bhootakrit – the creator and destroyer
Lord Vishnu is the creator and destroyer of living beings. He destroys all beings at the appropriate time.

6. Bhootabhrit – Sustainer of the Universe
Lord Vishnu possesses Sattva Guna, and is the vital cause of the existence of everything on this universe. He is the bearer, protector, supporter and nourisher of all beings in this universe.

7. Bhaavah – He who exists in full splendour
This namah denotes independent existence through all dimensions i.e. to exist without needing another thing or being, to be all existence yourself. Enables the quality of self sufficiency with natural ease.

8. Bhootatmaa- The essence of all beings
The Divine is the soul that is present in every thing that exists. He has entered and is present within the deepest corners of our bodies and each an every object and being that exists in the universe. He resides within and controls and directs each movement and activity of ours and of all other forms of matter. And we are in constant aware of this Divine embodiment of ours when using this phrase. We are in tune with nature, and in the now,

9. Bhootabhavanah – Nurturer of beings
The Divine has created all beings and further nourishes and nurtures them towards growth.  And this attribute of the Divine seeded in our beings is expanded consciously into the unconscious, and enables ease in the life purpose.

 Today sharing this information on the ocassion of RATHA SAPTAMI, Ashwini Nakshatram, wishing good health to all!!

For personlised consultations, please connect on whatsapp 7021043343,

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