Wednesday 29 January 2020

Inculcating Fear

Conversation on Inculcating Fear

Is it necessary to inculcate fear into a person?

Does your doctor, therapist, astrologer or spiritual leader do that?

Is it better to avoid such people & stay away from a vicious cycle?

Radha Narayan 'Starts with parents Sudhaji!!!remember if you dont do this or dont eat this buchandi will come and eat you!!!'

Sudha Ambikadas 'YES, Radha Narayanan, absolutely agree. I need to work on myself first.'

Radha Narayan 'Sudhaji we all infact need to work on ourselves very very much infact we need to de-condition ourselves from the so very many conditioning levels we received/still are receiving from our elders -yes its an onion peeling we need to undertake on ourselves-painful but gainful!!!Divine thanks!!!'

Siddhika Umesh 'I second Radha, dear Sudha, everything stems from the deep conditions of our homes n we are trapped fr years with this fear, so mch so, that we keep raising families with the same feel, only the degrees may vary, cauz we say we are evolving, but our deep core is yet to be healed.
So lets step without feeling trapped and carrying guilt. Its all about freeing our souls n all the others are freed too! Love and Light!'

Kavita Panyam 'Sometimes awareness is perceived as imparting fear.....totally depends on individuals.'

Ritvika Naidu 'How can we use the information to understand our present state of affairs is how I would look at!!'

Questioning oneself
Is it better stay away from such people looking at it as a vicious cycle or get the information & tap into your awareness to see how you can overcome, and emerge a stronger being?
How can we get rid of the fears inculcated within us by our parents? Are we as parents following same patterns? If yes, how can we break free?

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