Monday 6 January 2020


Question for today's discussion (6th January '2020):
Is man (humans) the sole cause for earth's current state of affairs?
Please share your views / thoughts...

DEATH is Relentless & has no mercy, helpless dependents and hopeless conditions are but poor pleadings before the stern arbiter death!! Just as when we are born, we come with a certain amount of breaths gifted by The ABSOLUTE Divine, each change in our breath alters our life span!! WE have a WILL, and a DIVINE WILL. The EARTH is a gift to mankind and a creation of GOD! Progress is aging, Aging is progress!! YES we can with our intent alone recreate MOTHER Earth to regenerate herself!! In the Atharva Veda, as described by R L Kashyap, the source of human life is the earth energy!! And the source of Earth energy is HUMAN life!! We arise from the MUD & get back into the MUD!! Matter is neither created nor destroyed!! Sound as mad I may, but if in ALIGNMENT with THE DIVINE, we shall feel no regret, no pain, no pleasure!!

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