Tuesday 28 January 2020

Release Fear, Increase Happiness in five minutes

Fear Release, Happiness Increase Mudras
in just 5 minutes a day.

One of my areas of research has always been on *How to rise out of the feeling low?*
Found that working on your breath is of primary importance.
Take a deep inhale from your nose.
Hold your breath.
Exhale with your mouth open.
Do this 7 times.
In the fingers, planet Jupiter or Guru or Brahaspati is represented by the fore finger, rules the throat chakra or Vishuddhi., and planet Saturn ruler of the Agya Chakra, rules the thoughts is represented in by the middle finger. Doing a scissor movement will release all fears and activate your clarity and confidence.
Holding hands parallel to ears is ideal position while doing this mudra, between Agya & Vishuddhi chakra. Please observe the difference between this and the prana mudra. In the prana mudra the thumb touches the tip of the ring and little finger.   Here the thumb presses down the nails of the ring and little finger.

Do the fear release mudra for two minutes. Take a deep inhale, hold, release with scissors cutting
After that do the happiness mudra for two minutes.
Happiness is becoming thoughtless. Get hands in Namaste Mudra position, drop down the saturn or middle finger.

Relax with gyan mudra for a minute.

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