Wednesday 29 January 2020

Mystical Formulae - Magic of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam - Shloka 45

Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam
Shloka No.45

Nakshatra : Uttara Phalguni, Padam 1


The Shloka No.45 of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam has the following Namas or Names of the Lord. Each Nama or Name indicates a nature or characteristic, and chanting these Namas/Names helps you pull in those energies or BE the NAMA!!

417.    Rituh
418.    Sudharshanah
419.    Kaalah           
420.    Parmeshthee
421.    Parigrahah
422.    Ugrah
423.    Samvatsarah
424.    Dakshah
425.    Vishraamah
426.    Vishvadakshinah

417.    RITUH - The Lord of TIME who governs all the seasons. Derived from the root ‘Rgati-Praapanayoh’ which means ‘to go’. Seasons move from one to another without interruption. The very essence of TIME is Seasonal, and when ONE is caught up in the race of TIME, just chanting these namas will absolve the obstacles created by TIME, and one can MOVE from one stage of life to another with EASE!! Blessed are we to understand the power of words, the power of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu, the protector.

Just as seasons are TIME bound, here we understand the DIVINE to be standing stable in the form of TIME., and just as one season pushes the other with an announcement of it’s arrival, similarly so all struggles we face is life have phases, we are phased out of to emerge into NEWness with every seasonal phase!!

This shloka is also used to empower one and the environment when faced with negative effects of the seasons like floods, fires, extreme colds etc.

418.    SUDARSHANAH – Very sight a delight!!

Just as one can imagine the delight when connected or given a chance to see the DIVINE in conscious presence, so also one would be delighted to see you whether they know about the richness of you qualities or not. Using this one can see through others very easily, remain unaffected, looking amazingly calm and composed, and beautiful expressive soft eyes like lotus petals. Others feel very comforted with your very presence! So when related to environmental healing, any place where this shloka is used becomes very pleasant!! Same way when chanted for welfare of the ENVIRONMENT, the weather becomes so pleasant, harmonious!! Such is the magic of the NAMAS of Sri Mahavishnu!!! Just as TIME spins through six seasons without interruption, the sudarshan chakra is revolving powerfully without any interruption. Using this shloka enables uninterrupted education, also allows ability to complete what one starts and MOVE ON to the next stage with EASE.

419.    KAALAH He who sets limits to everything.
Here in our day to day life one is well within control of themselves, are aware of their Being, know where to draw a line, ability to set boundaries. This helps is overcoming ADDICTIONS, Releasing the Unwanted by one’s own self. The increase in will power is automatically related to improvising the Adrenals strengthening, thereby aiding repair of all body parts. One will be able to use time well and go beyond limitations of time and space i.e., one will not be caught in the limitations of time bound astrology. He will not be run over by others, knows very well when to give it back to others who try to trample!! Is aware of contribution of others, and knows how to value an individual. And for those who reckon with the desire to cause calamity or misfortune, Kaalah becomes Gof of Death – here it does not mean kill, but one look is enough to kill the evil habits in those!!

420.    PARMESHTHEE  One who resides in the Supreme abode – Vaikuntha.
This literally means where ever the chanter resides becomes Heavenly Vaikuntha, and all ill effects of VASTU SHASTRA do not affect the residents. One who resides in the cave of hearts where the Divine resides within.  

421.    PARIGRAHAH  He who absorbs all into him. Literally takes all along while MOVING forward, a true leader.

422.    UGRAH He is formidable
Predominance of unrighteousness makes one Ugrah, furious enough to annihilate miscreants. Will not be tolerant or suppressed by Adharma.

423.    SAMVATSARAH  - One in whom all beings reside.
Just as the blowing wind is present within the space, similarly the one here is contained with all those around him, he has equal love and affection for all.

424.    DAKSHAH  He is quick in action
Accomplishes all his work with great speed. This Nama Dakshah implies the qualities of Perfection, Precision, Strength, Quick Decisions & Actions, so fast that the opposition has no time to think or counter moves. Prompt, diligent and efficient in the action of Creation, Protection & Destruction, with readiness to help at all times under all circumstances, just like the Lord coming to the rescue of Gajendra.

425.    VISHRAAMO  He provides the Final Resting Place
The word “srama” means effort, while Vishraama means relaxation or rest. It means one gets things effortlessly, in a very relaxed manner. The person chanting this creates more with ease in life. In a larger perspective the person acquires Divine qualities of giving solace and comfort to those overworked. Dependable, completely reliable.

426.    VISHVADAKSHINAH He is the most skilled
All efficiency and skill in him, he becomes one who is completely the best at anything one undertakes. Focus effortlessly, bringing out the best in the individual, the best of anything and everything attempted!! Master of All

To get this shloka chanted by a priest on your behalf in case you are unable to do so yourself, please get in touch with me on whatsapp on 7021043343. Chanting by yourself always gives best results. We use vedic priests to chant only when we are in a state of emergency and would like to cover a specified number of chants along with a Havan. You can also contact on mail,

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