Friday 3 January 2020


Conversation with Sir Naran S Balakumar
Pearls of Wisom - FORGIVENESS Explained by Sri Naran S Balakumar
What are Thoughts ? What is Time?
Time Moves. Thought Moves.
Thought brings Time.
But thought is not the Mind.
Thought is AIR. Silence is MIND.
Cinema/Movie runs., not the Screen.
Thoughts run, not the MIND
All Thoughts are released after the Forgiveness Exercise.
What is Forgiveness ?
3 minutes of Silence after Forgiveness exercise.
One second of Silence is also a very big healing.
Healing the MIND.
Thoughtless MIND heals the MIND & BODY.
Head & Intend towards FORGIVEness towards Thoughtlessness Towards Silence.
(I am amazed, blessed are we all reading this, thank you Sir, thank you thank you thank you)

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