Tuesday 7 January 2020

Switchwords & Colour Therapy to Sleep Well

It's all about sleep. Sleepless nights disturbs the day, hampers your ability to think straight, and makes one a victim of mood swings leading to misunderstandings, depression, chronic fatigue, increased stress levels etc.  

ENERGY CIRCLES are a simple and effective way to resolve SLEEP issues with EASE, and are easy to use. You can either print the energy circle given in here or create your own by just drawing them for yourself. The circle contains words, frequencies or switchphrases enhancing the energy of the solutions. Just placing them under the pillow, or placing a glass of water over the energy circle, drinking the water after a minute, or chanting the contents of the Enegy Circle, all work equally well. Some people even write the contents on their body to experience the desired magic. The CHOICE is yours!!

1.  Problem Solver Energy Circle (EC)
2.  Energy Circle For Babies to Sleep Well 
3. Mother Helper Switchwords - Source Blue Iris, Kat Miller
4. Colour Therapy SLEEP without dreams & disturbances
4 a. BLUE Colour on thumb as indicated for good sleep
6. EC to Let go anxiety & Sleep
7. Switchwords & Numbers to STOP Snoring
8. SLEEP Apnea
9. EC of Dolphins to relax to Sleep
10. EC that says Sleep with Flowers
11. EC to Resolve Conflicts to Sleep well
12. EC to Switch OFF to Sleep
13. EC to Sleep with Ease
14. EC to raise your calcium levels to correct Sleeplessness
15. EC with pleasant Colours to Sleep Well, Clearing Environment
16. EC OPEN-UP to Sleep Well
17. Prana Mudra to Sleep Well
18. Rice grains to STOP snoring.

1. PROBLEM SOLVER EC  In case you are facing sleepless nights because you are not able to find a solution to some challenge you are facing, need a solution to a problem, WORRY NO MORE!!  Take a print of this energy circle, laminate and place under your pillow before going to bed. When you wake up you will have the solution to the same. When you read this post remember, FAITH in the DIVINE Ways, and TRUST in your own self is important!! There is nothing we cannot achieve when we ALIGN WITH DIVINE.


Are you a new mother? Your baby does not let you sleep!! Baby is awake all night!! You become Sluggish!! Unable to get any ME TIME with your baby around!! Your baby is crying, and not sleeping well!! 

If any of the above are your issues faced, then WORRY NO MORE!! Just take a print of the energy circle in here, laminate and place under baby's pillow. The child will sleep well.

You could also sing the phrase inside the energy circle to the baby. Babies love to hear it!! Just do and experience the magic of this DIVINE MANTRA


Have a great time, catch up with your chores!!

3. MOTHER HELPER SWITCHWORDS , Source Blue Iris, Kat MIller 
Nap Time
 Try singing Switchwords while rocking them, especially when it is getting difficult to make your young one sleep.

OFF – to go to sleep
LIGHT-OFF – to lighten mood and sleep
QUIET-SHUT – to sleep even if not tired
HO-SLOW – help an insomnia sleep
HO-QUIET-OFF – relax, quiet the mind chatter and sleep
QUIET-OFF - quiet mind chatter and sleep

4. Colour Therapy SLEEP without dreams & disturbances

Are you or your loved ones suffering from nightmares, and unable to sleep? Then apply the colour red as shown in the image.  On the tip below the nail of the middle finger, apply the colour red. You will enjoy peaceful undisturbed sleep!! Use and share with others, spread the good word!! It costs us nothing!! An yes, please do not forget to post your feedback in the comment section below!!

4 a. BLUE Colour on thumb as indicated for good sleep


The below Energy Circle below to be printed, laminated, place under pillow. Sleep SOMEHOW By chanting this number slowly , calmly without getting anxious. It works 100% ....zzz Love to use this when unable to sleep and relax especially when getting some services rendered at a Beauty Salon.

6. EC to Let go anxiety & Sleep
LAVENDER-HO-FIFTY FIVE (55). Let go of anxiety and relax into sleep, reduce tension, (create) ultimate oneness. This is specially for the one who is too stressed., unable to relax. Lavender helps calms the mind. Personally use it along with application of the colour lavender/purple on the Thumb top which is the correspondence point of the head.

7. Switchwords & Numbers to STOP Snoring

Chanting the switch phrase, QUIET-SHUT-END-SHUT-NOW-DONE, chanting this switch phrase before going to sleep helps reduce snoring.

One can also write on the left wrist or anywhere on the body, the number for Snoring from Lloyd Mear 78,893,758,667. After all the world is nothing but fractal mathematics,

8. SLEEP Apnea
Chanting the switch phrase QUIET=CRYTAL-CLEAR-RESTORE-CIRCULATE-BE, keep chanting till you fall asleep.

9. EC of Dolphins to relax to Sleep
Dolphins are very friendly creatures and are total stress busters. Using this Energy Circle has found to relax one totally, take off a load from the minds. Try using it for a small power nap at work too.
10. EC that says Sleep with Flowers
All the enclosed are great sources of relaxation of the mind that lead to a good sleep time. Gorse, the Bach Flower Remedy, is found to release the emotions of feeling "hopeless despair". Even using the same as a homeopathic remedy.

11. EC to Resolve Conflicts to Sleep well
When facing too many conflicting situations, we are totally unable to relax the mind, and sleep become a dream to achieve. Using this Energy Circle, one is able to get OFF the conflicting state of mind, and regular sleep using this Energy Circles helps resolve conflicts too!! Now isn't that magical!!
12. EC to Switch OFF to Sleep
Just chanting the switchwords, PUT-OFF, brings sleep quickly and easily. ENJOY either chanting or using the Energy Circle.

13. EC to Sleep with Ease
This Energy Circle is a real boon, try it to experience the quality of sleep, magically Divine.

14. EC to raise your calcium levels to correct Sleeplessness
Low levels of calcium can cause insomnia or sleeplessness, at times even sleep apnea. Milk is a great source of calcium. In the years that have passed by it was a practice to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed at night., but in today's world, milk is a taboo!! So many people with lactose intolerance.  So why not try this non invasive way to absorb CALCIUM energetically without the side effects of the same!! After all it's all about balancing energies, and Energy Circles are one of the best ways to boost and balance energies. The number used to balance calcium is resourced by Lloyd Mear, 67,882,837,727- just chanting this number as single digits also works magically for those who believe!! 

15. EC with pleasant Colours to Sleep Well, Clearing Environment

16. EC OPEN-UP to Sleep Well
This energy circle is basically to improve breathing capacity, to open up lungs to sleep well.

17. PRANA Mudra to Sleep Well

Mr Joy Lahari in one of his posts had mentioned the use of the PRANA Mudra along with chanting of the switchword "OFF" to get good sleep within 20 to 30 minutes. Tried and tested to find not only is the quality of sleep great, the wake up is most refreshing, completely rejuvenated!! 

18. RICE grains to STOP Snoring 

Tape a piece of rice on the palm side of the two joints of the little fingers farthest from the palm of both hands just before bedtime every night. Continue to do this for 2 weeks AFTER bed wetting stops. It works like a CHARM. The same technique can be used for snoring, again continuing for 2 weeks after snoring ceases, says Kat Miller.

Now, its time to share all this lovely colourful information with your near & dear loved ones!! After all sharing is caring!! Please do not forget to post your comments in the comments section!! Thank you.

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