Monday 1 January 2018

Mantra - RAAM

What does the Mntr RAAM do to when I chant it? 

RAAM the favourite mantra of our Hanumanji, Guru Nanak, Sant Kabirdaas, Mahatma Gandhi, Shyamji Bhatnagar a non religious mantra.

The word RAAM is perceived as Lord Rama by the Hindus.
In Ibraam now turned to Ibrahim there is RAAM. In Abraham the h remains silent and there lies RAAM.

Breathing with the nostrils is of primary importance. When you observe your breath is from the mouth, you may be well aware of the state of anxiety inside of you. Dispel dangers by shifting to nostril breathing.  Chant RAAM in a very relaxed manner.  The quality of the chant is important. The pronunciation is important. 

Right pronunciations give you desirable results. 

Do not listen to Mantras or music sung with breathing by the mouth. It is a sheer waste of time. Avoid.

RAAM helps me reduce anxiety. 
RAAM helps me realign and breath through my nostrils.
RAAM helps me recognise my ability to contract within the expansive world.
RAAM helps me increase focus by relaxing.
RAAM increases the regeneration capacity of the cells within me. RAAM helps recreate a new me. RAAM helps me recognise the love within me for myself.  RAAM enhances the divine consciousness within me. RAAM improves me without the need to prove to anyone

RAAM works it's way through the sacral chakra expanding my creative abilities, releases all fears, cleanses my clogged Critical Filters ultimately helping me raise above within myself ie  inverts my triangle of fire which is normally under the control of the earth's gravitational pull. RAAM helps me overcome the same. A few chants of RAAM help me observe this in me. Regular chants will curtail the need for external expression and shares with the need for approval and praise.

RAAM increases my clarity in the zone of the North East, that is activates the inner guru inside of me.

Inner guru ie ruled by Jupiter is enhanced when there is clarity of thought's so the Agnya chakra is cleansed ...cleansed and purified...blocks removed from my critical filters. My throat is clear now. My throat is clear. My need to speak has reduced. The silence within is increasing with the sound of my RAAM.  Sound of my RAAM. It is my birthright to chant. I love the chants of RAAM 

RAAM is enhancing the white light in me.


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